Why and how can we help your children with their schooling?

Schooling is a journey that should open up many horizons and enable each pupil to flourish. But it’s also a world that can sometimes be complicated, even occasionally, and that will be selective at one time or another. Because our aim is to give our children every opportunity, we must do everything we can to […]

Kahoot : un outil innovant pour creer des tests de connaissances

Les éducateurs et les formateurs cherchent constamment à améliorer leur approche pédagogique en proposant des activités intéressantes et engageantes pour leurs apprenants. Kahoot, une plateforme de création de tests de connaissances en ligne, répond à ce besoin en permettant aux enseignants de concevoir des quiz interactifs pour évaluer les progrès de leurs élèves. Un système […]

What is the basis for raising a child ?

Having children is a gift from heaven. It is a real joy to be with them. However, if you want the right thing for them, you have to do the right thing. To begin with, you have to take their education seriously and master the necessary criteria for successful training. You might want to know […]

Why does the teacher need to have a lesson aid ?

For those who are used to school environments, the course material is a document available to the teacher. However, few people can see the importance of this explanatory sheet in the proper delivery of educational concepts. Here are some of the reasons why a teacher should have a course pack. Indispensable for keeping up to […]